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Emanual Version2 – Ready for the Playa

Posted May 11, 2018 by Chris

"…I had a vision of a different kind of vehicle for that year. What I wanted to make was a self balancing extension ladder. You could ride it around the desert while standing on a rung, and then when the dust storms kick up, you hit a button and whuup!, the ladder extends and lifts you right above the low-flying dust clouds. Sounds fun? I thought so."

3D Music Visualization with Spinning Display

Posted May 8, 2018 by Chris

"As a device that is primarily for entertainment purposes, we want the final design to be simple to control, portable, easy to use and cool. Thus, we decided to generate 3D visual effects by spinning an LED screen around its middle vertical axis. The screen is 10×10 and is a mix of red and yellow LEDs."

Building A Polargraph

Posted May 5, 2018 by Chris

"As part of an graduate-level independent study course I am taking through my university’s Art department, I will creating a polargraph drawing machine and installing it in a public hallway for public viewing."

D.I.Y. Sega Genesis Cartridge UMDKv2 (FPGA)

Posted May 2, 2018 by Chris

"The UMDKv2 is basically a PROM emulator. It’s a small FPGA board connected to a USB MegaDrive Kit. UMDKv1 (link) Is also worth a look, it uses an AVR microcontroller as a PROM emulator."

A Theremin Design Walkthrough

Posted April 27, 2018 by Chris

"This document will detail my attempt at designing and building a complete theremin…..The project should be a valuable educational experience for anyone undertaking basic RF electronics."

Wireless Xbox360 Controller on a PC

Posted April 23, 2018 by Chris

"Yesterday I had a thought – I don’t like having a wire to the Xbox360 controller I use for games on my PC…I was thinking that there may be some other RF transceiver that could be modified or adapted to work with the controller. As it happens, there -kind of- is."

Will O’ the Wisps – An experiment In Self-Sustained System Dynamics

Posted April 19, 2018 by Chris

"The project consists of eight modules (creatures) that operate independently, but coordinate their efforts to perform a common task. Each module implements a solar panel to collect the energy needed to operate (feeding) and communicates using radio transmissions. These mechanisms allow the system’s overall behavior to mimic the interactions of prairie dog and mongoose colonies."

Copy Protection in Modern Microcontrollers

Posted April 15, 2018 by Chris

"This article is based on the research made between 1996 and 2000.
The past ten years of my research into hardware security showed that any microcontroller, FPGA, secure memory, smartcard, ASIC or custom chip can be successfully attacked given enough time and resources. The question is whether the semiconductor chip used in a particular application can withstand multi-million-dollar attack or would fail to defeat a 10-dollar attack."

Constructing a Bluetooth controlled Robot

Posted April 11, 2018 by Chris

"In this post, I’ll show how to construct a robot with .NET Gadgeteer and how to control it using a Bluetooth connection from a PC application based on the 32feet.NET library. Let’s start from .NET Gadgeteer part. The base of our robot is the Rover 5 Tank Chassis, that provides two motors that can be easily controlled by the Motor Driver L298 Module."

D.I.Y. 512Kb NINTENDO Game Boy Flash Cartridge

Posted April 6, 2018 by Chris

"Hopefully the information I have posted here will help you all succeed in building your very own Nintendo Gameboy Flash Cartridges. Soon enough you’ll be up and testing your own custom code or custom games on the real hardware."