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Posted May 8, 2018 by Chris
"As a device that is primarily for entertainment purposes, we want the final design to be simple to control, portable, easy to use and cool. Thus, we decided to generate 3D visual effects by spinning an LED screen around its middle vertical axis. The screen is 10×10 and is a mix of red and yellow LEDs."

Posted March 11, 2018 by Chris
"I started this project more to gather some experience with FPGAs, rather than to design or own such a device, but it ultimately developed into a complete design, consisting of several boards."

Posted March 8, 2018 by Chris
"The goal of this project is to provide open hardware design of OSC (Open Sound Control) and MIDI foot controllers, primarily targeted for use with SooperLooper, distributed under the GNU General Public License."

Posted August 19, 2017 by Chris
"I think that the CMoy pocket amplifier is an ideal project to get started in audio DIY. This article is written for the beginner DIYer, though if you just want a guide to building this particular amp, you can skip to the parts or assembly sections.quot;

Posted May 11, 2016 by Chris
"This one is an interesting one, it’s something we’ve been looking at for a while and figuring out how to solve it. We have sets of speakers and projectors and the users keep losing the remotes, or misplaced/stolen. Usually this wouldn’t be a problem, we’ll just contact the supplier or manufacturer and order replacements. Except we can’t any more."

Posted April 12, 2016 by Chris
"1Wamp is a one Watt small guitar amplifier based on a JFET guitar pre-amp, the Big Muff Pi tone control and the LM386 power amplifier. This portable amp is an open hardware project designed by ElectroSmash using only free and open-source tools."

Posted March 7, 2016 by Chris
"Happy Days is exploring narrative in the form of an installation. It is staged without human actors or conventional (verbal) dialogue in a non-theatrical space. We chose to stage Samuel Beckett’s Happy Days since, as performing a ritual in the play, overshadows the performer, the object of the ritual can survive on its own."

Posted February 17, 2016 by Chris
"I’ve built a playable, MIDI capable, polyphonic FM synthesizer using an 32bit ARM Cortex M0 microcontroller and an audio codec. This was a learning experience for me. You can find the finished form of the system in following two images."

Posted February 15, 2016 by Chris
"Our project designs a touch piano with 3 octaves (37 keys) by connecting a handmade piano-like touch-sensitive keyboard with a PIC32 microcontroller. The sound is generated by using Karplus-Strong algorithm with debounce function and with a sensitive reaction time of several hundred microseconds."

Posted November 19, 2015 by Chris
"A modular electronic drum kit that allows recorded samples to be used as drum sounds. We decided to build a modular electronic drum kit because we thought it would be an interesting project to be able to record ourselves and use our own voices or sounds as drum noises."
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