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Temperature And Humidity Sensing

Posted January 6, 2020 by Chris

“The temperature and relative humidity of indoor air is an important parameter that can influence indoor microbial survival, abundance, and community structure. Temperature and relative humidity can also be used to infer other information about indoor environments, such as whether or not it is being heated or cooled.”

Little Helper: Logic Analyzer And More!

Posted December 18, 2019 by Chris

“Working in my lab with electronics I came across different little challenges once in a while, and noticed that I am missing tools to handle them efficiently. Just a quick list, I am sure you could add various items to the list…Of course these aren’t any issues that you could not handle with the tools you have. But each of these take time….so, announcing the Little Helper!”

Copy Protection in Modern Microcontrollers

Posted April 15, 2018 by Chris

"This article is based on the research made between 1996 and 2000.
The past ten years of my research into hardware security showed that any microcontroller, FPGA, secure memory, smartcard, ASIC or custom chip can be successfully attacked given enough time and resources. The question is whether the semiconductor chip used in a particular application can withstand multi-million-dollar attack or would fail to defeat a 10-dollar attack."

FPGA Audio Peak Level and Correlation Meter

Posted March 11, 2018 by Chris

"I started this project more to gather some experience with FPGAs, rather than to design or own such a device, but it ultimately developed into a complete design, consisting of several boards."

Digital Temperature Sensing

Posted July 29, 2017 by Chris

"This circuit is simply a digital thermometer. I use a Microchip PIC Microcontroller to communicate to a Dallas DS18B20 Digital Temperature Sensor, interpret the data, and display the temperature on a multi 7 segment LED display."

Sunrise Simulator

Posted July 2, 2017 by Chris

"Waking up in the morning is a daily and early task. Throughout my life I have used different ways of waking up: the usual alarm clock connected to a high power siren and flashing lights, a high power buzzer fed by AA batteries hooked to a portable alarm clock, and of course the most used is the mobile phone alarm."

Web Garage Door Controller

Posted June 29, 2017 by Chris

"I was motivated to find a new solution to controlling my garage door because I didn’t want to carry an extra remote around, and they just don’t work very well. This article demontrates how to use a CC3200 to connect to an existing garage door opener. The CC3200 acts as a TCP server which can send information about the garage door state to any network capable device."

Rain Detector Sensor

Posted June 26, 2017 by Chris

"This rain detector will give you a heads-up the instant it starts to rain, hopefully giving you time to close windows and bring in possessions. The battery-powered circuit draws virtually no current when the sensor is dry and the current consumption is low when the buzzer is activated so a couple of AA cells will last a long time."

A Reverse Engineering Surprise

Posted June 5, 2017 by Chris

"A computer’s arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) is the heart of the processor, performing arithmetic and logic operations on data. If you’ve studied digital logic, you’ve probably learned how to combine simple binary adder circuits to build an ALU. However, the 8008’s ALU uses clever logic circuits that can perform multiple operations efficiently."

The Lawnbot4000

Posted May 21, 2017 by Chris

"The Lawnbot400 is a remotely controlled lawnmower that I built several years ago to mow my lawn. It is basically a push lawnmower attached to a large remotely controlled frame."