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Posted January 8, 2020 by Chris
“The Shuttle XPC has one major limitation when it comes to accepting two PCI-Express devices when one of those is your typical double-slot graphics card. Although you can find single slot cards these have a tendancy to either be economoy cards or ones that require additional cooling with water. “

Posted December 20, 2019 by Chris
“I have a computer in my apartment which I mostly use for playing video games, but sometimes I like to access it remotely over the internet to do server tasks for me. The problem though is that gaming desktops use a lot of electricity when they’re running. So running the computer 24/7 would be too wasteful. Instead, I want to be able to turn on my computer from anywhere on the internet; whenever I desire to use it remotely.”

Posted July 25, 2015 by Chris
"This project is a USB based computer status display. Downloads at the bottom of the page…The firmware uses microchips USB stack. The files included in the USB folder are from the ‘Microchip Libraries of Applications’ I used version v2012-08-22 of this…The support application was written in C#. Some things of note…the file HIDInterface.cs is an invisible form."

Posted July 23, 2015 by Chris
"Add a bootable ROM disk to your vintage compact Macintosh! Replace the startup sound, change the Happy Mac icon, edit the ROM disk, or tweak the ROM code behavior. The Mac ROM-inator Kit replaces the stock 64K or 128K of ROM in a compact Macintosh with a full 1 MB of flash memory. Once installed, the flash ROM’s contents can be updated from within the running Macintosh, allowing for crazy customization experiments."

Posted May 16, 2015 by Chris
"….But the process of building a PC is pretty boring, it’s just an exercise of picking out compatible parts for the right price. I decided to make it slightly more interesting by submerging the entire computer in a fish tank full of mineral oil."

Posted December 24, 2014 by Chris
"We have designed a biometric sensing computer mouse that takes into consideration heart rate and galvanic skin response in order to detect the different conductance of the skin when a person is under stress or when not. In order to stimulate stress, we invite the user to play the Falldown game. As the user is getting closer to the end of the game, his/her stress level is expected to increase, the ball will start to move faster and the game stimulates the user to increase his/her concentration on the game."

Posted November 21, 2014 by Chris
"OK, it’s made on more one board, but you get the point. Based on Grant’s 7-chip Z80 computer, it uses his modified version of the NASCOM computer version of Microsoft BASIC running from an 8K ROM. The remainder of the Z80’s 64K address space is taken up with 56K of RAM."

Posted November 20, 2014 by Chris
"Steno technology has existed for about a century, and has been compatible with computers for over 30 years, but until now the hardware and software necessary to write at 240 WPM has been restricted to professional stenographers. The Open Steno Project seeks to bring free software, low-cost hardware, and interactive learning tools to everyone who wants to use steno for their personal or professional pursuits."

Posted June 21, 2013 by Chris
“As is usually the case there was a reason for the hardware being extremely cheap. The Fujitsu mobo couldn’t handle the Conroe CPU. It was essentially limited to the old Pentium/Celeron D power hogs. D’oh! But wait.. There’s an A2 revision of the board that handles Conroe cores, maybe success is just a bios mod away?”

Posted May 26, 2013 by Chris
“InfoNinja is an Open Source Ethernet-connected desktop heads-up display. It works in tandem with a desktop computer to give you an at-a-glance secondary display of both text and ambient information….It is also a tea timer.”
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