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Posted December 20, 2019 by Chris
“I have a computer in my apartment which I mostly use for playing video games, but sometimes I like to access it remotely over the internet to do server tasks for me. The problem though is that gaming desktops use a lot of electricity when they’re running. So running the computer 24/7 would be too wasteful. Instead, I want to be able to turn on my computer from anywhere on the internet; whenever I desire to use it remotely.”

Posted March 29, 2016 by Chris
"After last week’s Pi Zero mod, I thought I’d try a slightly more useful project. Using an Adafruit OLED display, two push buttons, a wifi dongle and a Pi Zero, I made an internet connected information display. The information could be anything: time and date, weather, social media status, etc … The two push buttons are used to cycle through the data and trigger certain actions."

Posted August 31, 2015 by Chris
"As part of Programmers’ Day celebration this year, Azoft web developers decided to surprise our fellow Azoft employees with a competition. To try something new and unusual, we created an internet-controlled robotic arm."

Posted May 11, 2015 by Chris
"KeySweeper is a stealthy Arduino-based device, camouflaged as a functioning USB wall charger, that wirelessly and passively sniffs, decrypts, logs and reports back (over GSM) all keystrokes from any Microsoft wireless keyboard in the vicinity."

Posted February 4, 2015 by Chris
"It takes just few components to get the ENC28J60 up and running and connected to a host microprocessor or microcontroller with support for the industry standard SPI interface. This project includes the schematics and related information for a simple hardware implementation based on the ENC28J60 (ENC) and a Microchip PIC18F 8-bit microcontroller running Microchip’s free TCP/IP stack."

Posted November 26, 2014 by Chris
"For independent study in MAT this quarter I sought to implement the Open Sound Control protocol on the mbed. This involved getting UDP send and receive working on mbed and then setting up a parsing / callback system that can take an incoming message and delegate it to the proper subsystem. "

Posted November 5, 2014 by Chris
"The basic idea is when making a purchase with a credit or ATM card, the transaction information is automatically packaged and sent to a webserver where it can be logged in a database. A web interface would then allow consumers to log into their accounts and view their transactions online all in one place."

Posted November 9, 2013 by Chris
"A project I’ve been hacking on for a while is a self-contained 1-wire to IPv6 bridge based on an Atmel AVR ATmega644 and the ENC28J60 Ethernet controller from Microchip."

Posted November 1, 2013 by Chris
"Arduino-based project to create power strip driven remotely through an Ethernet network. To turn outlets you are connecting to the microcontroller via telnet and after entering a password, you can change the status of the main lines and see if they are on or off."

Posted July 17, 2013 by Chris
“This is an article from an electronics amateur, experienced in embedded design and programming. He has utilized the BPS-5-3 breadboard power stick, LC04A Logic Level Shifter and WIZnet Serial to Ethernet Gateway, to show a basic interface between WIZnet gateway, Graphic LCD, PIC microcontroller and the setup.”
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