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Posted January 26, 2020 by Chris
“I’m always looking out for new ways to add more shields and components to my Arduino, and this felt like a natural experiment, so I gave it a shot: it’s an Arduino, Potentiometer, accelerometer, compass, Lithium Backpack, and TouchShield Stealth wired through a fairly large turkey :)”

Posted March 14, 2018 by Chris
"’Occam’s Microcontroller’ is my article in the Autumn 2013 edition of the G-QRP Club’s ‘SPRAT’ Journal – and the subsequent presentation at The G-QRP Club’s Rishworth QRP Convention, 26th October 2013. This page exists to provide supporting resources for the article (and for subsequent presentations associated with it). These resources include code, schematics and PCB design files."

Posted March 2, 2018 by Chris
"A smoke precipitator, or an electrostatic precipitator, is a device which removes smoke or other particles from the air using high voltage electrostatics."

Posted January 29, 2018 by Chris
"Walking around ebay I noticed insanely cheap OPA627’s. It’s rather old, popular and high-quality opamps, often used in audiophile gear. Manufacturer (Texas Instruments / Burr Brown) sells them 16-80$ each while on ebay it’s cost was 2.7$, shipping included. Obviously, something fishy was going on. I ordered one, and for comparison – older one in metal can package, apparently desoldered from some equipment. Let’s see if there is any difference."

Posted August 13, 2017 by Chris
"The Maglite host body accepts two D-Cell batteries which are a bit shorter in length than an 18650 cell, unfortunately in my attempt to rid my home of non-rechargeable batteries I can not find a D-Cell battery for an image comparison. In order to accomplish this mod it would be necessary to accommodate the extra length from using two 18650 batteries."

Posted July 20, 2017 by Chris
"DEFCON or Defense Condition is an alert system utilized by the United States Military and indicates a level of alert ranging from DEFCON 5 (least severe) to DEFCON 1 (most severe). The goal of this project is to create a Defcon sign in the same manner that is driven by simple commands sent to a particular twitter handle using a Raspberry Pi as the controller."

Posted April 30, 2017 by Chris
"There are instances were images are not enough to convey and visualize a final product. SolidWorks has a great animations tool that lets you animate the things you create. The video below shows the circular saw being taken apart."

Posted March 31, 2017 by Chris
"….But otherwise, it’s odd because I get to dig through all my old boxes of gadgets and electronics projects. I did, and I found my first hardware hacking project ever, an overclocked TI82."

Posted March 3, 2016 by Chris
"Here you will find links to all the articles that make up our CPLD for beginners guide. We’d love to hear your feedback about this guide. If we’ve got something wrong or if there’s anything specific you’d like us to cover, please don’t hesitate to get in touch."

Posted February 11, 2016 by Chris
"Prankophone is a sound object being a hybrid of synthesizer, telephone and logic module. The main principle of the object’s functioning is as follows: depending on the current mode, the apparatus calls to random or pre-defined recipients and plays them algorithmic melodies created from their phone numbers. The speakers transmit both the synthesized sounds and the sound from answering person."
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