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The Occam’s Microcontroller

Posted March 14, 2018 by Chris

"’Occam’s Microcontroller’ is my article in the Autumn 2013 edition of the G-QRP Club’s ‘SPRAT’ Journal – and the subsequent presentation at The G-QRP Club’s Rishworth QRP Convention, 26th October 2013. This page exists to provide supporting resources for the article (and for subsequent presentations associated with it). These resources include code, schematics and PCB design files."

11 Responses to “The Occam’s Microcontroller”

  1. rhode island quotes Says:

    I like #2 the best. Why?… Mostly just because I think it’s good “branding” to have your logo on there and something that ties between the two platforms. I’ve been thinking about this cover photo too (and dreading it along with the whole switch to timeline) and am trying to just put a reduced size version of my header on there.

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