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Posted August 31, 2015 by Chris
"As part of Programmers’ Day celebration this year, Azoft web developers decided to surprise our fellow Azoft employees with a competition. To try something new and unusual, we created an internet-controlled robotic arm."
Posted August 25, 2015 by Chris
"Who has not wanted to vacuum when being away from home? The technique I use is a hack to take apart the remote control of the robot and connect it to an Arduino UNO. To control the Arduino from PC via USB, I use Messenger and lets Eventghost manage all communication with Serial-plugin."
Posted August 13, 2015 by Chris
"Meet Penelope, our tea brewing robot. Penelope brews the perfect cup of tea by monitoring the temperature of the water and steeping the tea bag for the best time suited for that type of tea. "
Posted August 10, 2015 by Chris
"Over a year ago I started to work on a small balancing robot. Between learning more about communication protocols and feedback loops I also had periods of schoolwork that kept me from this hobby. In the end my little robot was balancing on his own and I could send steering and throttle commands wirelessly."
Posted July 29, 2015 by Chris
"A little time ago I made a robotic arm, without the gripper. So last week I draw a gripper that is compatible with a mini servo, I made two versions because I had to chose between two kinds of gears, straight and rounded. Because I first finished the straight gears version I milled this one first, but since there was a little play between the two gears I also made the second one, the one with the rounded gears."
Posted July 16, 2015 by Chris
"The main idea behind this project was to construct a system on the Altera DE2 board that is capable of detecting the location of a sound source. We envisioned many purposes for such an instrument in gaming and other types of systems; however, to demonstrate our sound localizing capability in this project, we decided to use it for robot control."
Posted July 14, 2015 by Chris
"The Senior Year Design Project was named Vanguard by the team. He is a remote controlled surveillance robot. To avoid data communication problems we decided to use different protocols for controlling the wireless camera and the robot. The robot can be controlled through desktop or laptop computers while the video can be controlled through internet, adhoc, WAN and LAN. It is powered by two batteries. One for the circuit and one for its motors."
Posted July 11, 2015 by Chris
"The goal of the GRITSBot project is to make multi-agent experiments more accessible to the research community at large as well as to students of all age groups. In a further step, we intend to open up a show testbed to the general public."
Posted June 8, 2015 by Chris
"This robot head was originally built as a end of the year project for my physical computing class, but over the summer it has ‘learned’ how to talk. The head is powered by two Freeduinos, 3 TLC5940NT chips and an Adafruit Industries Wave Shield. The head is currently connected to a computer by two USB cables, one for power, one for sending it serial commands on what to say/emote."
Posted June 1, 2015 by Chris
"If you are a beginner to Raspberry Pi and were looking for a simple hardware project, then look no further. This tutorial will show you to develop a python based robot which avoids obstacles and navigates freely. Obstacle avoiding robots are fairly common and easy to make."