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Simple RF Receiver And Transmitter @ 27 MHz

Posted October 18, 2012 by Chris

“In this article we will build a simple rf receiver module that works at 27 mhz and turns on an LED anytime the signal from the transmitter is detected. A very simple idea, but as you will soon find out, a lot goes into making it a reality. We’ll be making our own PCB for this circuit, so get out the ferric chloride and copper clad PC board.”

27 Responses to “Simple RF Receiver And Transmitter @ 27 MHz”

  1. Dawer Zaman Says:

    Hi,pyroeectro your rf projects have really made an interest and a new understanding in me
    Actually all your projects are awesome but the wireless ones are masterpieces

    Although im wondering if you could show me how to make a RF transciever

    You see i don’t know much about RF
    THANX anyways

  2. jorge pablo Says:

    hi, i want to made this circuit

  3. kazafy Says:

    ???? ?? ????? robot under water

  4. Raj Kumar Mukherji Says:

    Hello Chris,

    Please note I had already posted my below request in the forum on Jan 20, 2013. However, thought of reminding you about it here as there is no response from you so far in the forum. 🙂

    My hobby is electronics and I am an IT professional working for Siemens. Just now I saw your project on: “Simple RF Receiver And Transmitter @ 27 MHz” and the clear explanation there made me speech less. In fact I was looking for something neat and clear as yours here for quite sometime. Thank you very much for all the effort you have made.

    Now, let me explain my objective for searching such a neat and clear project on RF receiver. I wish to make a wireless doorbell myself with a range of about 50 meters just like the Chinese made wireless doorbells (please refer to the below URL): … -just.html

    Now, while surfing the internet for this, I came across another website: ( … index.html) that explains how to build one such with an operating frequency of about 303 MHz and which will use an in-built antenna. I was successful in making the transmitter part but could not make the receiver part. I had also purchased a ready made Chinese doorbell and could tune my home made transmitter unit with it nicely.

    Looking at your 27 MHz project, I would request you to present another project which will help your readers to make a 303 MHz Wireless Doorbell easily at home with a range of about 50 meters with a built-in antenna. Last but not the least, the beauty of the Chinese doorbell is that the receiver unit runs from just 3 volts battery and consumes 6 micro ampere current when idle!!

    Though electronics is my hobby but I could not afford an oscilloscope to my workbench as yet . However, I do possess a portable frequency counter:
    GY 560. Please also let me know if this will help me to test the receiver circuit.

    Waiting eagerly for your response.

    Thank you again for the wonderful project and your time to read this long e-mail of mine.
    Kind regards,
    Raj Kumar Mukherji

  5. Aliff Says:

    Hi… I want to build this circuit. Can you explain to me about the Toroid part ? what happen if i use a 1uH inductor choke instead ?

  6. Carlos Says:

    Could you give me more specifics of the toroid?

  7. ramesh Says:

    Kanne punde oula thevidiya kaane kuthi

  8. SAVY Says:


  9. Sidney Smith Ebot Says:

    Dear Admin,

    I am working on a receiver. I wish to find out how you calculated the value of the Capacitor and Inductor for the 27MHz receiver.

    In your circuit, you are using 6t inductor in the LC Tank.

    I am looking forward to read from you.

    Kind regards


  10. fahad Says:

    Hi admin.. I wanna make this circuit… Can anyone plz help me..???

  11. moshohli Says:

    dear admin and everyone
    i hve built this ciruit recently and it works as demonstrated but when I use spectrum analyser I get 54Mhz carrier wave frequency instead of 27. please help.

    if you use an inductor of about 1uH above it won’t work aswell, why?

  12. Chris Bird Says:

    I have bread-boarded these circuits and am having difficulty with tuning the receiver. Any help is appreciated.

  13. Francis Gresham Says:

    I would like to build a couple of these simple rf transmitters / receivers . What do I need and the directions to do so. Thanks Francis Gresham

  14. Zuhair Says:

    Dear Friend,
    This is a great tutorial and i successfully build it and its working. can you please share the design equations, DC Biasing and AC analysis of the receiver circuit?

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