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[DIY] Animatronic Eyes
Posted August 11, 2011 by Chris
Ready for the next Animatronics Tutorial for robotics month? This week, we’re building Animatronic Eyes using an improvised 2-axis gimbal system. Realistic robotic eyes are difficult to build but this pair of eyes creates quite a decent illusion. Pico/Micro Hobby Servos are used as actuators and standard MDF board for building material.
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August 12th, 2011 at 3:19 am
[…] productive to do? Well, why not check out what Chris at PyroElectro has in store for you via his tutorial on building your own pair of animatronic eyes that are certain to enthrall whoever that lay their […]
August 12th, 2011 at 5:36 am
[…] productive to do? Well, why not check out what Chris at PyroElectro has in store for you via his tutorial on building your own pair of animatronic eyes that are certain to enthrall whoever that lay their […]
August 12th, 2011 at 6:10 am
[…] productive to do? Well, why not check out what Chris at PyroElectro has in store for you via his tutorial on building your own pair of animatronic eyes that are certain to enthrall whoever that lay their […]
June 12th, 2014 at 12:48 pm
Thank you for this great electronic experience but,
as far as I can program my PIC 18F452, none of my servo motors
are moving … I can test voltage on each of them but they do not move. The pic receives voltage on its ports, the led is up, the regulator is working fine.
What can I do to make the whole thing work ???
Thanks a lot for your response.
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