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Posted April 24, 2015 by Chris
"One morning I woke up and wanted to know what the temperature outside was, and instead of running over to Home Depot and picking up a $2.00 glass thermometer, I decided to build my own wireless temperature sensor. At the heart of the board is a PIC12F675 microcontroller in an SO8 package. The right-hand side of the board houses the linear power supply (LP2950), bottom-center is the DS18B20 1-Wire temperature sensor, and out in left-field you can see the Sure TTL Bluetooth Module."

Posted April 9, 2015 by Chris
"I developed this WSN for a coursework on my MSc and I’m hoping others will find this useful or at least interesting 🙂 I’ve just installed the first parts of this WSN back home to collect sensor data from various outbuildings and it will be part of my new Arduino controlled greenhouse project. I’ll try to port the storage and reporting backend to a Raspberry Pi later this week, initial trials seem to suggest that it should cope well with this task for my size of network."

Posted April 6, 2015 by Chris
"Being a little a little bored (although that`s the wrong word) this afternoon, I considered the 3 servos I had in a box after replacing the ones in my robot arm, and came up with the idea of making an ‘insectoid’ robot with them. "

Posted March 25, 2015 by Chris
"In robotics, infrared is commonly used both in communication and in object detection….By blinking an infrared LED, the signal becomes more unique and therefore more discernible from other light sources. Even as intensity varies based on lighting, angle and distance, the constant rate of blinking can be relied upon for recognition."

Posted March 20, 2015 by Chris
"All projects start with an idea. It could stem from a need, a want, a proof of concept or a challenge. In my case, it was a conversation with one of my uncles. He told me about how, during his post-secondary studies, he had the idea to make a thermostat for his final project….I decided I would engineer his original ideal, while incorporating today’s advancements in technology and adding wireless communication with a PC."

Posted March 18, 2015 by Chris
"Our goal in this project was to build a pair of high-speed transceivers that could encode and decode optical signals modulated using Morse code conventions."

Posted March 15, 2015 by Chris
" Some extra hardware and software changes the Raspberry Pi into a DVB-S digital TV transmitter. The code and diagrams are released under the GPL license. This project would not have been possible without the pioneering done by Jean-François Fourcadier, F4DAY."

Posted February 28, 2015 by Chris
"The key I made works beautifully both on my garage door, as well as on a number of other readers I tried. I have decided to publish this, as more people should be aware of the design flaws that are inherent in older RFID implementations, and to allow others to make their own universal key."

Posted February 19, 2015 by Chris
"By employing RFID, secure entry systems can be developed without incurring huge costs. These are the reasons of excessive use of RFID technology. In this article, interfacing of an RFID reader module has been explained with PIC18F4550. The USART interrupt, an internal PIC interrupt, has also been explained."

Posted February 18, 2015 by Chris
"Conventionally, wireless controlled robots user circuits, which have a drawback of limited working range, limited frequency range and limited control. Use of mobile phones for robotic control can overcome these limitations. It provides the advantages of robust control, working range as large as the coverage area of the service provider, no interference with other controllers and up to twelve controls."
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