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Low cost temperature data logger using PIC and Processing

Posted September 3, 2014 by Chris

"This project describes an easy and inexpensive way of adding a digital thermometer and data logging feature to a PC. It involves a PIC microcontroller that gets the surrounding temperature information from the Microchip MCP9701 sensor, and sends it to a PC through an USB-UART interface."

HID QuickKey USB Adapter

Posted August 8, 2014 by Chris

"The hardware is based on Microchip’s Low Pin Count USB Development Kit for the 1814K50. It is setup with 10 inputs, each with a pull-up resistor. The firmware is programmed with USB Human Interface Device Keyboard example from Microchip Solutions. It requires no drivers or special setup, it is plug and play."

Little Wire AVR Programmer And More

Posted July 29, 2014 by Chris

"When i saw simpleavr’s implementation of usbtiny on attiny45 , i thought it would be cool if i make a kit version of this with a minimal form factor. Then i designed a PCB and sent for first prototype. Later on i thought, if i want to sell this, it would be much cooler ,and more suitable with “Open Source Hardware” concept, if i bring this project one step ahead. So i tried to fit anything extra to the device and this Little Wire project came out."

Using a Wii Nunchuk as an Earthquake Sensor

Posted June 28, 2014 by Chris

"This article explores the suitability of a Wii nunchuk based USB accelerometer as an earthquake sensor for the Quake-Catcher Network (QCN) project. It examines the nunchuk over several metrics: precision and range, frequency response, total cost and availability."

USnooBie (Open Source AVR USB Device Development Kit)

Posted February 12, 2014 by Chris

"The USnooBie is a microcontroller kit that does not require any sort of AVR programmer or USB-to-serial converters to load and run compiled code. It’s hardware design allows the user to develop low cost USB devices with Atmel’s AVR ATmega microcontrollers. It can also be used to develop projects which are not USB devices. It is even compatible with Arduino."

PIC Joystick USB Interface

Posted February 9, 2014 by Chris

"With the phasing out of game, serial and parallel ports from modern computers and the ever increasing popularity of USB, it makes sense that hobbyists start getting to grips working with USB….This project focuses on the use of a USB PIC and the mikroC compiler to convert an old game port joystick to utilize USB."

US2B Radar – An UltraSonic USB Radar

Posted December 20, 2013 by Chris

"A stepper motor turns the ultrasonic range finder 360 degrees and back. After each step the range finder is activated and the distance is measured. When two measurements have been made the PIC sends the data to the PC using an asynchronous interrupt transfer"

Morse Key USB keyboard

Posted December 11, 2013 by Chris

"That’s what the Morse Keyboard is all about. This little project I built plugs into a computer’s USB port and is seen by the computer as a standaard USB keyboard. As you tap out Morse, the device types each letter to your computer just like a standaard keyboard!"

Android USB Host + Arduino Communication

Posted September 6, 2013 by Chris

“In this post we’ll put everything together and show you how to communicate between your Android application and the Arduino using nothing but the Android USB host API. Remember, this approach has nothing to do with Android ADK! Unlike Android ADK, your Android device will act as the USB host, while your Arduino board will act as the USB device.”

True Random Numbers @ USB

Posted August 6, 2013 by Chris

“This ain’t yet another ultimate, ultrafast and all-too-miniaturized USB-gadget. It is the ‘official’ USB-version of the XR232-TRNG, taking advantage from the benefits of USB, but retaining fundamental XR232-philosophy of independency, security, transparency and compatibility.”