Building An 8x8x8 LED Cube

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Hardware Design
           To finish off the hardware, we need to make a pretty looking enclosure to hide the electronics and let people focus on the awesomeness that is a mesmorizing 8x8x8 LED Cube!

Building The Complex Circuit
          To make the enclosure I used some plywood, MDF, wood stain, door knobs, hinges and everything you see below:

·The first step was staining all of the wood the nice black 'slate' color and adding the knobs.

·Then, I was too lazy to use screws to I just used e-poxy glue to get everything stuck together, wood, hinges, everything.

·The 8x8x8 LED Cube goes ontop and the electronics go on the inside to finish off the hardware part of this project.

·As exhausting and difficult as the hardware aspect of this project is, the software side can be just as confusing and difficult. Luckily we already have open source code, so don't sweat it and let's continue onto the software section.