Building An 8x8x8 LED Cube

8x8x8 LED Cube Testing Concerns
          The most important thing to remember from this article is to test the LEDs out and test often! All you need is a +9v battery, some alligator clips, and a 100Ω resistor. The last thing you want is to solder everything together only to find out one of the LEDs in the center of your cube is burnt out.

Testing The Cube
          To show you what I did, I have two videos that demonstrate a simple way to test out all the LEDs. One of the tests is for each horizontal layer as you build them and the other is for the LED cube as a whole.

Testing A Single Horizontal Layer

Testing The Whole LED Cube

·If your LED cube checks out and there are no burnt out LEDs, continue onward without fear because your cube works! However, please remember, testing always helps by ultimately saving you time.