Course 2: Digital Electronics » Lesson 7: Clocks and Oscillators

Lesson 1

Introduction to Digital Electronics

Lesson 2

Number Systems

Lesson 3

Logic Gates

Lesson 4

The Karnaugh Map

Lesson 5

Design an RS Latch

Lesson 6


Lesson 7

Clocks and Oscillators

Lesson 8

Design a 4-bit Shift Register

Lesson 9

Design a 4-bit Counter

Lesson 10

Design an LED Chaser

Lesson 11

7400 Series Logic Devices

Lesson 12

4000 Series Logic Devices

Lesson Video

Lesson 7: Clocks And Oscillators

The heart and soul of any digital system is the main clock signal. It drives every single flip-flop that is inside of the system and therefore it is the most important signal. In this lesson we will learn how to use a 555 timer as a clock signal generator and we will also look at using crystal oscillators to generate clock signals.

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