Current Part:

CPLD Dev Board
MAX150 Analog To Digital IC
330Ω Resistor Network
Green LED Bar
25.175 MHz Canned Oscillator
5kΩ Trimpot
Wire Wrap
Wire Wrap Tool
20 Pin Sockets
Alligator Clips
Battery Pack

Parts List Details
           The main parts are listed out in more detail below. The brief explanation should make it clear, the role that each part has in this project.

CPLD Dev Board
           This board was originally built a few years ago and you can definitely substitute a newer CPLD if you like, however all the parts used to build it are still easily found for sale on the internet by the big electronics stores.

           This is the main CPLD used in this project. It has 128 Macrocells of logic that we can use, which is more than we'll need!

MAX150 Analog To Digital IC
           This is the IC that we will use to convert an analog voltage into a digital value. It's an 8-bit chip which means the digital output will be between 255 and 0.

Green LED Bar
           We will use this LED bar to output both the exact 8-bit value that is converted from analog to digital. A resistor network will be connected up to the LED bar to limit the amount of current flowing through.

5kΩ Trimpot
           A single trimpot, connected up to the +5v supply and +0v ground, will have its output (the center pin on any trimpot) connected to the analog input of the analog to digital converter chip. This will let us input a varying analog voltage from +0v to +5v.

Wire Wrap and Wire Wrap Tool
           Since protoboard and wire wrap was used to build the original CPLD Dev Board, we'll continue using it to make the addition of an LED bar, A/D Converter and Resistor network. Red, Black, Green and Blue are the colors of wire wrap that we will use.
