Wireless Interface RF Modules

Program Download:

Main C Files:
RF_Tx.zip     RF_Rx.zip

The Software
           There are two firmware files that this tutorial uses:
    -RF Transmitter Firmware
    -RF Receiver Firmware

The firmware for this tutorial is split into two parts, one for the receiver PIC and one for the transmitter. They are short and to the point; the transmitter is constantly transmitting depending on the button currently pressed and the receiver is constantly receiving and decoding the command.

RF Transmitter Firmware

------------« Begin Code »------------
//********Button/Command Output Control************
//If No Button Pressed, Send Command L0
if(PORTDbits.RD0 == 1 &&
PORTDbits.RD1 == 1){
    //Turn LED ON
    putcUSART( '0' ); //write value of PORTD
    putcUSART( 'L' ); //write value of PORTD
//If Button #1 Is Pressed, Send Command L1
else if(PORTDbits.RD0 == 0 &&
PORTDbits.RD1 == 1){
    //Turn LED OFF
    putcUSART( '1' ); //write value of PORTD
    putcUSART( 'L' ); //write value of PORTD
//If Button #2 Is Pressed, Send Command L2
else if(PORTDbits.RD0 == 1 &&
PORTDbits.RD1 == 0){
    //Turn LED OFF
    putcUSART( '2' ); //write value of PORTD
    putcUSART( 'L' ); //write value of PORTD
------------« End Code »------------

           The code above shows you the output routine from the RF transmitter PIC. Depending on the status of PORTD Pin 0 or 1 (RD0/RD1) a different set of commands will be output by the USART module in the PIC to the rf module. One command turns PORTA off, the other two set a particular bit in PORTA turning one of the LEDs on. This routine is continuously sending data.

RF Receiver Firmware

------------« Begin Code »------------
//******** Button/LED Control *********
if(data_array[1] == 'L' &&
     data_array[2] == '0')
     PORTA= 0x00;
//**** Button 1 Pressed - LED #1 On ****
else if(data_array[1] == 'L' &&
     data_array[2] == '1')
     PORTA= 0x01;
//**** Button 2 Pressed - LED #2 On ****
else if(data_array[1] == 'L' &&
     data_array[2] == '2')
     PORTA= 0x02;
//Interrupt Evaluation Routine
     buf = ReadUSART();
     data_array[7] = data_array[6];
     data_array[6] = data_array[5];
     data_array[5] = data_array[4];
     data_array[4] = data_array[3];
     data_array[3] = data_array[2];
     data_array[2] = data_array[1];
     data_array[1] = data_array[0];
     data_array[0] = buf;
     PIR1bits.RCIF = 0; //Clear RCIF Flag
------------« End Code »------------

           The two pieces of code above are firmware from the rf receiver portion of this tutorial. The first portion shows you how the incoming commands are evaluated. Just as the commands are sent: L0, L1 or L2, they are received the same. The second part of the code is capturing the incoming data from the USART. An interrupt routine is used, and everytime the flag RCIF is set, we tell the PIC to shift the new element in the data array.
