The Altera DE2 Board: Parts List

Current Part:

Parts List
· Altera DE2 Kit
· Host Laptop/Desktop

(Scroll Down for Parts Descriptions)

Parts List Details
           You may or may not be familiar with the parts above so a picture of each item has been included to clear up any possible questions.

Altera DE2 Kit

          -DE2 Board
          -9v Adpater
          -USB ByteBlaster Cable
          -Altera Design Suite 6.1 (2 DVDs)
          -DE2 System CD
          -Package Overview Sheet

           In this DE2 Kit altera gives you literally everything you need to get started with the board. The one exception is the software license that you need to renew or purchase off of their website. (Don't worry you can get a free license as long as you are doing educational work).

Host Desktop/Laptop
           The Host Desktop/Laptop will be used to connect to the DE2 board and eventually to download programs to the FPGA. At first all the software will need to be installed on the host computer.
