DE0 Nano Introduction

Current Part:

DE0 Nano Development Suite
ASUS Eee Laptop

Parts List Details
           The parts list for this project is very short, but the caveat is that is that the items are a bit expensive. Nothing too over the top, but FPGA development is hard to do for free.

DE0 Nano Development Suite
           This is an academic development suite meant for people who are just getting started with FPGA's. At the $80 price-point, it's a big expensive for hobbyists, but well worth the price from what I have seen of this little board. The programmer is on-board, so getting started is really a no-hassle deal which is rare in the embedded world.

ASUS Eee Laptop
           Honestly, you can use whatever laptop or desktop you have just as long as it has USB 2.0 and is somewhat modern so that it can install and run Quartus II. Quartus II + The Modelsim Preview takes up around 8GB of harddrive space so double check you have enough as well.