Digital Multimeters - Tenma 72-7735

Review Info
Author: Chris
Difficulty: Easy
Time Invested: 4 Hours

Related Material:
Take a look at the above
lessons to see some other
uses of multimeters.
           If you follow PyroElectro closely, you have likely noticed we're all about maximum funactionality for minimal cost. Some examples of this are our tupperware turret, wooden robotic arm and cardboard animatronic face. So when the opportunity came along to give a review on one of Newark's low cost, hobbyist level multimeters, we jumped on it.
           In this article we will take a close look at the Tenma 72-7737 digital multimeter. Specifically, we'll test out some of the more important functions of the multimeter, we'll take a look inside to see what drives the multimeter, we'll test out the PC interface and we'll draw some conclusions based off of the overall experience.

Digital Multimeters - Tenma 72-7735

Digital Multimeters - Tenma 72-7735 - PC Interface

Purpose & Overview of this review
           The goal of this review is show off the different functions available in this multimeter, how they work and how to use them. Both videos and photos will be used to explore all the functionality in this device to make it as clear as possible of what it has to offer.
           In addition, a final summation of the Tenma 72-7735 DMM will be given in the conclusion section that will list out the overall pros and cons of this multimeter when compared to other multimeters available on the open market.