SPI Master / SPI Slave via PIC

Current Part:

2x PIC 18F452 Microcontroller
PICkit 2
7805 +5v Regulator
2x 10kΩ Resistors
47uF Capacitor
2x 20 MHz Crystal
7x 5mm LEDs
Jumper Wires
9v Connector

Parts List Details
           The parts used in this tutorial are fairly common throughout the other tutorials that I have written but in case you're not familiar with any of them, I briefly described the most important parts below.

PIC 18F452
           The PIC 18F452 microcontroller is a cheap, general purpose micro that has an SPI hardware interface that we can configure and control. It is capable of acting as both an SPI master and slave device. For this tutorial we will use two PICs, one as an SPI master and one as an SPI slave.

           The entire circuit will run off of the +5v regulated from this 7805 voltage regulator. This is a common part found throughout all of +5v digital electronics.

20 MHz Crystal
           The clock frequency is non-crucial, 20 MHz was chosen at random. Since the SPI clock is divided from this clock frequency, if you need a specific SPI clock frequency, take a look a the PIC datasheet to see the different divider options.

5mm LEDs
           These are just some standard LEDs that I used to display that data is indeed being passed across the SPI data bus.

Jumper Wires & Breadboard
           A prototypers dream always uses a breadboard and some jumper wires. Nothing too complicated here, just standard wire and an electornic breadboard.
