PIC Prototyping Basics: Conclusion

A Look Back At PIC Prototyping
           Remember pyototypes aren't meant to be the final design of a project. They are meant to test the ability and functionality of your project so that you can implement a more sturdy perhaps final design. Knowing how to implement a PIC & its programming circuitry on your own breadboard is a great leap forward for anyone who wants to start doing their own projects.

What To Do Now
           Now that you know how to assemble basic power & programming circuits for the pic, go do one of your own projects and incorporate what you've learned here in it. That is the only way that you will really start to learn and understand what is going on.
           Please note that the methods and circuits we've used and looked at here today are not the only ones available to us. There are plenty of other ways to create power and programming circuits, I just offer one that I feel is simple enough for anyone to do. Search the internet and you'll find countless other examples

           This tutorial covered everything I had hoped it would and had enough pictures that I feel it should be fairly clear to anyone who takes a look through it.
           If you have any further questions, I implore you...don't be shy, take a look at the forums or ask a question there. I check them out regularly and love getting comments & questions.
