Project Info
Author: Chris
Difficulty: Difficult
Time Invested: 12 Hours
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Author: Chris
Difficulty: Difficult
Time Invested: 12 Hours
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The Masochist's video card is a pure TTL discrete logic design that generates the necessary video signals for VGA. The project name came about after the hours I spent wire-wrapping the project together yielded painfully raw fingertips. So be fore-warned if you duplicate this project, don't abuse the wire-wrap tool!
Masochist's Video Card - Final Setup
Masochist's Video Card - Board Close-Up
Purpose & Overview of this project
The purpose of this project is to build a system that does three things:
- [1] Generate Horizontal VGA Sync Pulses
- [2] Generate Vertical VGA Sync Pulses
- [3] Generate Red/Green/Blue VGA Color Pulses
The counters that we will use to generate Hsync and Vsync pulses will be 74-193 4-bit binary counters. An 8-input NAND Gate, 74-30 and some hex-inverters, 74-04, will be used to capture unique count values. Each value will have a unique function like, triggering hsync to begin or end, or clearing the count values.