StepRocker Motor Control (TMCM-1110)

An Overview Of The StepRocker Motor Control (TMCM-1110)
           This project has focused simply on getting decent motor control out of the TCMC 1110 stepRocker, which as you saw is not that hard to do, especially with the direct mode control. The second focus on this project was to get an understanding of limit switches and how we can get them working with this board. Both of these concepts were implemented and tested in this article with good results.

What To Do Now
           This article was really meant to be an introduction to an affordable commercial motor controller board. With so many motor controllers avilable to buy or even build: diy motor controllers, it's hard to know what to choose so hopefully this article has shown you what the TCMC 1110 can do. The roads outward from here go in many directions, like testing both limit switches, multi-motor control and stallguard technology, all features that are included with this tiny motor controller board.

           Stepper motor control is a very important concept in motors because stepper motors allow you to track the distance they've travelled without any encoders. Additionally, stepper motors can be controlled easily with power transistors, like the ones on the TCMC-1110. This article was meant to give an introduction to how we use motor controller board commercially and the broad set of functionality that they offer.
           If you have any further questions, I implore you...don't be shy, take a look at the forums or ask a question there. I check them out regularly and love getting comments & questions.