16x2 LCD To Arduino Interface

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Arduino LCD Library
           As luck would have it, the good people who developed the Arduino had forsight enough to make Arduino libraries easily customized and so within the Arduino tool chain there is a set of functions to control a 16x2 LCD without having to build the bit level control yourself!

           Each of these functions is documented on Arduino's website so feel free to hop on over there to learn more. However for what we need, the basic "Hello, World!" style code necessary to turn on and output to an LCD using the Arduino's LCD library looks like this:

           These library functions make it so you can stay away from the nit-gritty details of the 16x2 LCD seen in the first lcd theory page, however if you ever want to play with the more advanced functions, it'd be a good idea to peruse the deep and dirty details in that previously seen function code chart.