Embedded Priority Interrupts

Schematic Overview
           The schematic for this tutorial was kept as simple as possible so we could keep focus on what interrupts are and how we use them on the PIC. You can see the completed schematic for this project below. The main parts in the schematic are the 7805, 18F452 and LEDbar.

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Schematic Specifics

Power Regulator
           If you follow my projects and tutorials you'll recognize this circuit. It's an extremely simple and straight forward +5v regulator circuit with bypass capacitor.

High Priority Interrupt
           The high priority interrupt will be triggered by a button press shorting RB0 to ground. This means the interrupt here will be an interrupt-on-change, the change being from +5v to +0v.

Low Priority Interrupt
           The low priority interrupt will also be triggered by a button press shorting RB0 to ground. This means the interrupt here will (also) be an interrupt-on-change, the change being from +5v to +0v.

           The LED Bar is a 10 LED horizontal bar. An LED will light up when the PIC sends an output signal from any of the pins (PORTC and PORTD) connected to the LED bar.
